Burque Cares Who We Are


Childcare Finder:
Phone: 1-800-691-9067
Email: newmexicokids.org

CLN: (homeless childcare: 6 weeks- pre-K)
Phone: (505) 843-6899

WIC sign-up: Prenatal Care and nutritious food
Phone: (505) 841-8929 ex 4

Title 1 (APS program for unsheltered (homeless) students)
Phone: (505) 256-8239 x0

MCH Family Outreach (family case management)
Phone: (505) 255-9740

Children’s Grief Center (children and caregivers)
Phone: (505) 323-0478

Open Skies: Behavior management and case management for children)
Treatment foster care, respite for children
Phone: (505) 345-8471

NAPPR (Native American Families)
Email: www.nappr.org
Phone: (505) 345-6289

Asian Family Center (For families and adults)
Phone: (505) 717-2877

Kinship Guardianship (Pegasus Legal Services)
For grandparents and other relatives raising children
Phone: ((505) 244-1101

La Plazita Institute:
Address: 831 Isleta Blvd. SW
Hours: (Monday- Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Wings for Life: (families of incarcerated)
Website: wingsFLI.org
Phone: (505) 291-6412

Albuquerque Adult Learning Center (families)
Website: abqalc.org
Phone (505) 907-995

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